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Die Aural Sculpture für F0-D#: Abgrundtiefe Wiedergabe mit unerreichter Leichtigkeit und Dynamik. Powered by M&K Sound®.

Aural Sculptures für Eigentümer eines Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

Originale Aural Sculptures von 3BE werden normalerweise einzeln unmittelbar nach Bedarf gefertigt. Du kannst allerdings Kopien der bereits verfügbaren Aural Sculptures selbst und völlig rechtmäßig herstellen (lassen), wenn Du über eine der authorisierten Druckdateien verfügst, die auf NFT-Marktplätzen wie angeboten werden. Hier findest Du das entsprechende Vorgehen.

Aural Sculptures are figural pieces of art with the function of high-end loudspeakers that basically take advantage of the opportunities for the speaker enclosure design, considering additive manufacturing methods. The diversity in visual appearances is technically nearly unlimited, the design of an Aural Sculptures is an individual act of creation.

However, once the model of an Aural Sculpture is printed once, it could be printed again and again. For some of our legacy pieces we provide the opportunity to acquire the respective 3D models and the right to use them for manufacturing.

The speaker enclosure is the centerpiece within the creation process for an Aural Sculpture. Each model is a digital artwork of its own that we would not like give away arbitrarily. Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are the right way to handle digital creations deliberately.

On NFT marketplaces such as, you can legally purchase the copies of original enclosure print files for some Aural Sculptures. Once you have concluded your shopping at your NFT marketplace, you will hold the following:

The NFT for the 3D model of the speaker enclosure of your choice

A download link and the appropriate password

A voucher code

With the download link provided to you, you will have exclusive and anonymous access to the original stl-file that has been used to manufacture the respective enclosures at 3BE Audio. You may also find supplemental print files, e.g., for the manufacturing of the woofer grills. You should download them short-term to a safe storage device at your place.

These files allow you to produce the physical pieces once you have arranged for the appropriate printing devices or manufacturer. There are no limitations to the count or to the time of production. However, please remember that the stl-files are your treasure – and the intellectual property of 3be audio still.

With your NFT purchase, you have received a voucher code as well. This code is linked to the suitable materials kits in the webshop on

These kits turn your piece of art into a piece of high-end loudspeaker.

The voucher grants you a discount of 88% on the original price, limited to a count of two of these kits and in one go.